The crèche was founded in 1971 with the help of the "Association of Swiss Women Academics". A couple of rooms in the student center were made available by the University of Fribourg. The demand for places in the crèche was so important that the buildings at our disposal were transformed and rented from the University of Fribourg. As from 1994, an additional room was rented, which was located outside the area.


In 2003, the crèche moved to new locations at 4 rue Techtermann, with enough space for all the groups. At that time, the building is owned by the Institution St-Joseph de Cluny.


In 2017, the building was taken over by the Foundation "Notre Dame de la Nativité". The chrèche of the University of Fribourg was able to sign a lease agreement for 30 years.


In 2018, a newly renovated part of the building was added.


Since 2021, the crèche of the University of Fribourg has completely parted with the city and all places are subsidized by the following institutions:


University of Fribourg 45 places
NCCR 4 places
EPFL 2 places
FKB 2 places